It's all good?!! BULL FUCKIN' SHIT! We are in the throws of the coming of , "Thanks Giving!"
As I watched the NEWS, I learned, that there is Scarcely, enough to go around to the NEEDY! It makes me sick!
Another NEWS subject, WAS- even Those with GOOD CREDIT, will NOT be able to afford what they used to, as gifts to their , whomevers!
Peoples, when it gets , so BAD- that we HAVE to Watch reports from the NEWS Stations, that , there is a RASH of "LESS PEOPLE," whom Can share for the People , whom don't have Plastic, ETC., ""THIS,"" Should be a friggin' CLUE, that something's gone a fowl inside the tomatoe!
"YES!" I am pitchin' a BITCH! These fucking 'Rock Stars,' have 14 Million Dollar homes! The fucking STARS of the SCREEN, have more than they require! Does NOTHING smell funky to you???????????
JUST because I watch you tonsile suck someone you don't love , on a Screen, conveys me to pay, WHAT-, 13.00$ for a fucking ticket, so that you can sell your Daughter / Son, to ride around in Cadidliacs, and drive into a fucking PARKED car, because they were TOO busy snorting cocaine? THIS!- IS, Ludacris! I don't give a fig, if their nipples were hard, or NOT! W-H-E-R-E, is the teachings of the Indians???????? Ya don't , fucking TAKE- UNless you GIVE BACK!
The thing that REALLY flipps me OUT, IS- the parental Units, are 'Jammin' WITH these poor souls! ""HEY Babe, let's get waisted, we can PAY someone to git us OUT of IT!??""
There ARE Parishioners, around my area, that are BEGGING for FOOD to supply THOSE, whom don't ACT / THINK this way! They, simply TRYING to set a buffet, in order to FEED their Families, 'cuz they TOO fat to go ON SCREEN! BULLSHIT!
Ya KNOW, it DOESN'T surprise me! Ya got those STARS- going BELEMIC, because it's in bad forum, to weigh more than 14 lbs.! The biotches, have NO BOOBIES! 'Taint got no ASS , either! AND- the Scariest Part, IS- they's havin' BABIES! I'm SO secure, in the PEACE, that the CHILDREN, are well kempt, within their wombs! ALL that nutrition, will harbor them from the drugs and alcohol!
N-O-W, HERE, is The Best! MANY women, in The spotlight do NOT Feel, it is ANY of our buisness, to encounter the FACT that they are With CHILD! W-H-Y?...BECAUSE, it might spoil their , RAKING in $$$$$$, from their performances??!!!! GOD FORBID! I'd wish to SLAP 'em! They's none of OUR buisness. KISS MY ASS, you SLUT! At "THAT point "" , it has NOTHING to do with your fucking performance! ""HOWS ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE OF "THE CHILD?" Assholian! W-H-A-T, Ya gonna loose Yer 'Ferrerri?'
IF- I am coming accross 2 strong, sue me! THERE are NO priorities LEFT! IF, { and I have } I got popped for anything, I'd get slammed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These fuckers, get AWAY with MURDER! If the SYSTEM don't git 'em, one of their OWN, ceases their will to carry ON! SEE what I'm sayin'?
Allow me, to give us an example. The 'Macys' commercial! A-L-L these STAR RIDERS, have conglomerated, to suck out our $$! The commercial, shows, that their TOKEN FLOOZIE-'Jessica Simpson,' whom. last year, urged PEDIPHILES, to take to "PIZZA HUTT." TODAY, she's The idiot whom pulls the plug from their Magnificent Display! ""MY BAD,"" she states for the Nation to see???!!!!! Yeah!- I will urge MY DAUGHTER to have such short , shorts and short brains- - - - -and git PAID 4 IT! FUCK your stupid boobies! I wouldn't nibble her, if she was The Last morsel on EARTH!
I appreciate to state THIS in "MY" Book. I'm not bothering ANYone, whom doesn't wish to flush a SOUND turd! Told Yas' , best BATHROOM Reader, Ya ever saw!
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