I sit , here, in utter delight! I seem to be growing, and so do my Children. I have a Dear friend, named Melissa. We, appear to be , 'on again, off again.' However, she provides me with a wholesome outlook , assist, and guidance. She, is the Mother of TWO boys, ages ? 4 & 6?! They are both, riddled with the A.D.D, O.D.D, ALL the D.D's, you can think of!!
LATELY, we have meshed with her and her clan, and , when I git home...I am physically/ mentally, exhausted! Yet- I am rejuvinated upon how I set mine eyes on my own existance. I, am LESS IMpatient, with my own circumstances, and, HONORED, to be included with hers.
I, witnessed my Children, taking Great Care, in Bonding with these young men, and FINALLY realised, I , actually, had a PART in this revelation! Now, Megan, {me youngest one,} has gone through "7" brain surgeries! Became a die hard , maternal LOVE bug. AND, my Ashley, took note to guide and place , herself, as a dilligent FRIEND, to those LESS fortunate. The little weasle took the reigns, and did WELL!
NOPE, we , STILL, have MUCH 2 learn! However, I was thrown back, at the reality of , 'WE, have a cool grasp upon what IS priceless.'
I had ALL of me UPPER teeth, extracted. I, TODAY, was blessed with a Fresh set! 'THIS- is a tripp!' It will take me a few, to quit gagging. HOWEVER, I smiled as a Cheshire Kitty, at every person I came , somewhat in focus with! PLEASE, allow me to convey, that I AM, quite Grateful. Yet, they are NEW to me, and cause me to gag, a LOT! My Melissa and I , tried to Celebrate, and went to the drive through at 'Mickie D's.' The fuckers got lodged in Da BURGER! THEN, I ended up 'Ralphing', as I attempted to show my Children, ALL, OVER Melissas' van door:( I am trying to figure out, HOW, to shorten the span of the ROOF portion of their compose;)-
Dentures It's a tripp!
I am getting tired, BUT- I wished to logg THIS, afore I had something else to BEEF about. I, would LIKE to share, that, I hope your days are unfolding, as whackie as mine are, in the possitive way. PEACE BE UNTO...
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