I, am not sure , how this pose is gonna go. I was just informed, my wish for text, cannot be applied?! So- - - - -Here goes.
Lately, I have been experiencing some resounding instances! For the first one...my girls and I , dedicated ourselves, to our Churches , 1ST, LIVE Manger display! It consisted of three sheep, and a small, grey, FUZZY donkey, named "Noah." Due to the participation of the human entities of our Church Family, we were also, able to include 3Wise people, three Angels, the Baby Jesus, and Mary and Joseph.
Now, Harrison Ave., an Avenue, which holds a MAJOR traffic route, has NEVER afore, seen ANYthing like this! Thanks BE- we had proper bars, to keep the livestock safe.As we cascaded into the grateful procession, I observed , both , Church members, as well as passers by, delve into tears. It T-O-U-C-H-E-D, people , Deeply, in a neighborhood, that has so much traffic, that of the drug kind, as well, and they found a sense of solace, HOPE and Peace. I, was a part of ths, including my girls! Lemme tell Ya something! BACK in my day, I'd have had NO desire to take part in something like this! I, was , simply TOO busy, with less important things, that, "I," found to be better??! BUT, this time , around, I took GREAT Joys, in sharing such a profound collection of "Loving Substance!" THIS- "WILL," be something I had NO chance of recalling back upon, in my life! My children, will, NEVER forget this.As well, neither , will I! THIS, was a cherished memorie, that I gave myself, and my kin, the chance to revel in. NOPE- I, am NOT trying to claim GREATNESS!! I, am simply sharing some facts of my existance!
Please, let me share, how flippin' tired I am! I, have been going 24/7!! A single Mother, attempting to prepare a Christmes, worthy, as well as, go figure, sustain a placement in our society, withOUT a credir card, to shine some kinda worthwhileness, in a comunity that is HEAVILY padded with sizeable bank accounts. Aside from, this is The 1ST Christmas, I am spending without the safety/love net of my Daddy. Pardon me, but , I haven't got SHIT to feel I have to fall on, as I have for 42 years of my existance! Awe, skrew! The FACT of the matter, IS, we adjoined Church, yet again, this morn, as my girls and the rest of the shorter peoples, orchestrated a program. that was profoundly, WELL delivered! AND, guess, who the boink , showed up? ALAN!
Yes, I AM a pathetic putz! The girls, wished him to be able to view their promotion, and the wretch said YES! I, did NOT transport him!! He got there , on his own steam. And, after he ceased to enjoy the after feast, as I aquired a DElectable dessert of peanutbutter/chocolate succulent, and returned to the table, I , was informed that, "Daddy LEFT- he has to see The Steelers play!" No Good-Bye! NO, nothing.! Skrewball, ME- found my heart hurt??! Jeepers, I should KNOW , BETTER, by now!Perhaps, I was a tad bit EMBARRASSED! Our congregation, are NOT, fuckin' blind! Awe- plop!
THE cool thang, was , that, one or four, approached me, and stated their praise of me?!! I, was commended , for the proper way, the girls acted, as well as, the fact I DIDN'T flatten/accepted him, to where he SHOULD be!EHY!- nothin' GOOD, comes EASY! At LEAST, I'm trying.
Ya know, I believe, he- would like to rule the world.Thank GOODNESS, he doesn't HAVE the stuff!AND- thank GOODNESS, neither do I! NOT, that I'd wish to.Still, I embraced the Beauty, of this Marvelous regimine of time. It will NOT , be forgotten! And, neither will YOU.
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