I'm not quite sure where or how to begin. When I, LEAST- expected it, the phone rang, and Eltons' voice WAS on the other end:). He decided to reunite with me, and showered , quickly, afore work, so he could stop up! He, also , DID:)-
We have made a heartfelt/verbal/ETC>, VOW, that we are eachothers! In being enveloped within his arms, I haven't felt safer, in YEARS! I am floating on cloud NINE! When ,last I saw him, I , haven't hearing from him, went down every bad , thought path , I could contact within:(. I was "SO," wrong:). He loves me, too. The rest, will come into play, as The Lord, see's fit when it's to BE!
Ya'll may find me odd. That's cool! I, AM odd. I, dig it that way. THAT way, I fit in , just fine. I, truly PRAY, that more of you, are finding such a bodaceous day, as I HAVE! People, he is SO beautiful, and strong, EVERYTHING, I SO needed. He's working his butt off, whilst, reailizing, where stupidity can lead. He wish nothing more to do with it, and I, am quite proud of him, for I have located that bit of important worth, myself! I believe, I spoke of it, in earlier loggs! I/WE, have just had ENOUGH, of being BAD!We , simply wish to be , HAPPY! THAT- - - is an acomplishment, that holds NO bars!
I, Thank you, for standing by me, as I trod through my lonely despair! And I wish to share with you, a VERY important FACT! If you, he, or ANYONE, even thinks, I'll skrew this up..........."THINK AGAIN!" I've been through, and seen TOO much, for me to go backwards! This dream, is REAL, and I intend to lasso the moon, with every string I have been Blessed with. Stuff, opportunity, such as this, doesn't come 'round, often! I skrewd up, in the PAST, horribly.......this is my chance to shine, like NEVER before!
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